You are about to apply for a Personal loan, before you proceed please ensure you meet all the requirements. Visit the loan page to see the requirements.
Complete Documentation:
Provide a valid ID.
Submit your Taxpayer Registration Number (TRN).
Furnish the last 3 months' statements for your business account.
Present proof of address in the form of a utility bill.
Maintain an active bank account.
Include a passport-size photo.
Supply two references.
Submit your Business Registration/Business Location details.
Offer directions to your business location.
Disclose your weekly, fortnightly, or monthly profits.
Outline your monthly expenses.
Fill the Application Form
Specify the loan amount requested in the form.
Mention the desired repayment date in the form.
Processing and Approval:
Await approval; loans may take up to 48 business hours.
Note: A processing fee, ranging from $1000-$3000, will be deducted upon approval.