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Payday Loan

Payday Loan

You are about to apply for a Payday loan, before you proceed please ensure you meet all the requirements. Visit the loan page to see the requirements.
  1. Complete Documentation:
    • Provide a valid ID.
    • Submit your Taxpayer Registration Number (TRN).
    • Furnish the last 3 months' statements for your business account.
    • Present proof of address in the form of a utility bill.
    • Maintain an active bank account.
    • Include a passport-size photo.
    • Supply two references.
    • Submit your Business Registration/Business Location details.
    • Offer directions to your business location.
    • Disclose your weekly, fortnightly, or monthly profits.
    • Outline your monthly expenses.
  2. Application:
    • Fill the Application Form
    • Specify the loan amount requested in the form.
    • Mention the desired repayment date in the form.
  3. Processing and Approval:
    • Await approval; loans may take up to 48 business hours.
    • Note: A processing fee, ranging from $1000-$3000, will be deducted upon approval.
Click Here To Apply
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